Monday, March 1, 2010


Had a bad day...
Not gonna taking one down
Nor sing a sad song to turn it ard..
Instead gonna blog abt it..
First of all..
Had to do alot of corrections..
Found out tht need to run 6km for dunno wad.
Then got abit of money for recess only.
Then like dunno how do the geog test..
Got scolded becos marked jeremy's bk wif big ticks .
Cb. a lil bit big oso cannot..
Then like wasted tyme in skool..
then at home like they find reasons to scold me.. Ask them qns on the meaning of a word.. Say i lazy never go study.. Wad sort if crapp was tht?... Then he say wanna confiscate fone becos listen songs and singings.. Wtf?? Cbbbbbbbbbb!!! Super tired oredy.. Gtg.. Bb..